Pecan Paraguay garden
Orchard systems in Equatorial and Tropical regions of America: key crops and maintenance
In the equatorial and tropical regions of Central and South America, industrial orchards play a significant role in agriculture, producing fruits from various crops such as coffee, cocoa, mangoes, nuts, and citrus fruits. These crops require specific conditions and meticulous care to ensure high yields.
Coffee (Coffea spp.) Coffee plantations are prevalent in countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Costa Rica. Successful coffee cultivation requires elevations between 600 and 1200 meters above sea level, along with a moderate climate with abundant rainfall. Maintenance includes regular tree pruning, weed control, and soil moisture management. Coffee does not grow in hot lowland regions, only in mountainous areas.
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Cocoa is grown in shaded conditions, usually under the canopy of taller trees that protect it from direct sunlight. Regular fertilization and pest control, targeting pests like the cocoa moth, are crucial for maintaining healthy cocoa trees.
Mango (Mangifera indica) Mangoes thrive in warm tropical regions with well-drained soils. Maintenance includes timely irrigation, pruning to stimulate fruiting, and protection from insect pests.
Nuts (Carya, Bertholletia, and others) Industrial nut orchards require deep, fertile soils and constant care, including protection from insects and fungal diseases.
Citrus (Citrus spp.) Citrus orchards, such as those for oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits, require sunny locations and regular irrigation. Key maintenance tasks include protection against diseases like citrus canker and timely fertilization.
Key industrial orchard crops in Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay cultivate various industrial crops that play a crucial role in rural economic of these countries.
The primary crops in Brazil’s industrial orchards are coffee, cocoa, mangoes, and oranges. Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee and also leads in orange production and processing into orange juice.
In Paraguay, industrial horticulture focuses on citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines, as well as mangoes and nuts, particularly pecans.
In Uruguay, the emphasis is on cultivating citrus crops such as oranges, lemons, and limes. The country’s citrus orchards are renowned for their quality, and the fruits are exported to various countries worldwide.