Pond and stream cleaning

pond to clear, at land site
pond to clear, at land site

How much does it cost to care for a pond or reservoir and how does the price work out? Maintenance of the reservoir is carried out regularly throughout the year, especially in areas of non-freeze water intake by fire engines in order to clear reeds, clean the reservoirs of vegetation, algae, silt deposits, driftwood, leaves, and tree trunks. For aquacultures, biological and chemical treatment of the water column and chemical treatment of the sludge and reservoir are also carried out.

The cost of mowing reeds and reeds up to 1 meter high along the boundaries of a water body for a strip
width of up to 5 meters is 50 USD per 100 m2;

The cost of cleaning a reservoir from algae in a water area up to 5 meters wide and up to 1 meter deep
is 4000-5000 USD per hectare;

At a depth of 1 to 2 meters, 5000,0 USD per hectare;
Cleaning the banks of reservoirs from bushes without uprooting costs 12,000 rubles per 100 m2.
Collection and removal of felled trunks from 25-30 USD per m3.
Collection and removal of sludge deposits from 50 USD per m3.
Delivery of a dredger and a crew to clean a reservoir, pond or river bed costs 1,000 USD.
We can carry out work to clear water bodies of vegetation throughout the year. However, it is cheaper
to clear river beds of weeds from April to September.

There are two types of water area cleaning:

this small lake is on the way to form a swamp
this small lake is on the way to form a swamp

Cleaning the visible part up to the water’s edge from water lilies, reeds, reeds – this is work aimed at
removing the visible part of weeds from the site, cleaning the beach and entering the water to eliminate
an aesthetic defect without clearing the beds of reservoirs of silt, rotting vegetation, bottom litter,
submerged objects.

The cost of cleaning water in a swimming pool to create a favorable water environment and increase the
aesthetic appeal of the territory is on average estimated UP 3000,00 to 5000.00 USD / hectare.
Cleaning the underwater part is a more labor-intensive and expensive method.

Work on cleaning the coastal zone of rivers, reservoirs, dams and lakes can be carried out in several ways:

• Manually with shovels, rakes, pitchforks, underwater winch streamers, when it is possible to remove
thickets without draining, or with the involvement of divers. Manual clearing of water areas is used
when clearing small reservoirs or embankments with a size of up to 2 hectares, in ponds with difficult
access for equipment, and small areas of water areas.
• By rope method, using scrapers, winches and skidding machines. Used on small reservoirs and small
• By hydromechanization method, using suction dredgers, ejector machines. They are used when it is
necessary to transport bottom sediments over a distance using pipelines.
• The cost of cleaning the underwater part of the bottom without changing the topography of the
underwater part of the pond costs from 5000 USD/ hectare.
• We also carry out the reclamation of a reservoir with the organization of aeration, the addition of
biological components, the design of reservoirs, shorelines, strengthening the banks with sheet piles
and the installation of gabions

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